Radiotherapy – the role of physics in treating cancer

Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Matematik, Auditorium E, Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C
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Sidste tilmeldingsfrist
Mandag, 30. september 2024 - 12:00

v/Karolina Alexandra Klucznik

OBS: Foredraget er på engelsk.

Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) is a common cancer treatment that uses high doses of radioactive radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Over half of newly diagnosed cancer patients undergo radiotherapy as important part of their treatment. Medical Physics plays an important role in the interdisciplinary field of radiotherapy. Effective radiotherapy treatments and their continuous improvement in terms of safety and accuracy are only possible through close collaboration between medical doctors, physicists, and engineers.

In this lecture, you will gain an insight into radiation therapy from the perspective of a medical physicist. We will first go over the basics of radiotherapy - why and how it works. Afterward, different treatment devices will be introduced, and we will discover how treatment techniques and the used equipment have changed over time.

Finally, we will address ongoing challenges in radiotherapy and have a closer look at an ongoing research project in the radiotherapy department at the University Hospital in Aarhus.


Seminaret afholdes i samarbejde med Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening

I skal være opmærksomme på, at jeres reserverede plads bortfalder kl. 17. Det er derfor vigtigt, at I ankommer før kl. 17, selvom foredraget først starter kl. 17.15.

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