Seminar C: Introduktion til School of Business and Social Sciences
I samarbejde med Aarhus Universitet gennemfører vi denne dag en introduktion til School of Business and Social Sciences
16.00-16.15: Velkomst
16.15-17.15: Eva Sørum Poulsen: The transition between desktop networking, social and mobile networking (på engelsk)
17.15-18.00: Aftensmad
18.00-19.30: Michaels Nørager: Forandring, innovation og udvikling
19.30: Tak for i dag
Eva Sørum Poulsen – (AU Herning)
The transition between desktop networking, social and mobile networking (på engelsk)
As per the end of November 2013 there are 6 billion active mobile devices in the world, and according to the Nielsen and NM Incite’s Latest Social Media Report (2012), consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of sites—roughly 20 percent of their total time online via personal computer (PC), and 30 percent of total time online via mobile.
The purpose of this lecture will be to introduce a historical timeline for both popular social media networks and mobile devices, as well as to illustrate the tendencies in terms of the use of mobile devices to build and be part of popular social networks, and how these tendencies affect and help determine the future of marketing and commercial communication. It will also touch upon the transition between desktop networking and mobile networking, its advantages and disadvantages in terms of attention spans, speed of communication, and level of user engagement.
Michael Nørager (AU Herning)
Forandring, innovation og udvikling
Helt nye undersøgelser viser at op til 70 % af alle forandring og udviklingsprojekter mislykkes – kom og hør hvad der skal til for at sikre at et projekt lander blandt de 30 % der lykkes! Det gælder uanset om det er dit personlige projekt, uddannelsesaktiviteter eller virksomheders udvikling.
Indlægget sætter fokus på, hvordan vi gennem vores opfattelse af virkeligheden har en enorm indflydelse på hvad det er der lykkes, og hvordan vi får det til at ske. Det handler blandt andet om hvordan vi tænker, hvor vi retter opmærksomheden hen ad og hvad vi vælger at fokusere på.