Seminar L: Steering companies to new and profitable businesses (Fordybelsesseminar samfundsvidenskab, BSS)
Steering companies to new and profitalbe businesses
Hamel and Prahalad are arguing in their 1994 book “Competing for the Future” that the average top management is using only 3% of their attention to build a future perspective for their ogranization. This means that most of their attention is focussed on suviving a future of destiny. However recent studies find that this is not enough and that the average life expectency of the 500 largest organizations globally is now below 25 years (strong decrease from 60 years in the 1950s). We will look at the theory behind “organizational future orientation” and you will be asked in groups to identify and analyse successful cases of firms that not only survived their future of destiny, but which have been able to drive towards a future of desire. You will be asked to present and defend your analysis towards your colleagues. Cases like Apple, General Electric and Toblarone will be discussed.
Read more:;
PRE READ: Hamel, G. and C. K. Prahalad (1994). "Competing for the Future." Harvard Business Review 72(4): 122-128.
Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk.
Generelt om fordybelsesseminarerne:
Fordybelsesseminarerne er struktureret således, at der er 9 seminarer, som I skal vælge 4 af. Der vil være ét fordybelsesvidenskab på Sundhedsvidenskab (HE), hvor I kan prioritere, hvilket institut I vil på. Der vil være to fordybelsesseminar på Naturvidenskab (ST), på hvilke I bliver distribueret ud på seks forskellige institutter efter egen prioritering. Både VIA University College, Humaniora (Arts) og Samfundsvidenskab (BSS) udbyder to fordybelsesseminarer i henholdsvis Aarhus og Herning. Vi anbefaler meget, at I ikke lader geografi, men interesse afgøre jeres valg mellem de fem tilbud.
Som udgangspunkt vil der kun være plads til, at I vælger 4 af de 9 tilbud, men når vi har set fordelingen, kan det godt være, vi åbner for, at man kan tilmelde sig et ekstra.
Antal deltagere115