Seminar G: Public Speaking Contest

Fredag, 16. november 2012 - 20:30 TIL Lørdag, 17. november 2012 - 15:00
Viby Gymnasium
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Fredag, 9. november 2012 - 12:00

Som opfølgning på seminar F om sproglig internationalisering gennemfører vi Public Speaking Contest


Agenda Friday

20.30 - 22.00: Preparation of motions in groups of three


Agenda Saturday

08.00: Breakfast

09.00 - 10.15: Preparation of motions and questions to opposing group

10.30 - 12.00: Four preliminary heats

12.00: Lunch

13.00 - 14.15: Final heat

14.30: Hugs and goodbyes

Rules and guidelines to be found on your right.


Motions could be:

”Public transportation should be free in Copenhagen”

“Children in the danish educational system, should have more P.E. classes”

“Cannabis should be legalized in Denmark”

“It should be illegal to display any signs of religious beliefs in Denmark”

“It should be legal to drink alcohol in high schools in Denmark”

“The legal age for voting should be lowered to 15”

“It should be illegal to drive a car with less than two people in larger cities”

“The legal age for voting should be raised to 21”

“The death penalty should be abolished in the United States”

“Prostitution should be illegal”

“Nuclear Power should be the main source of energy in Denmark”

“Drugaddicts should be offered free fixes in health clinics"

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