Seminar E: Kreativitet og Innovation. Workshop på CAVI

CAVI, Åbogade 34D, 8200 Aarhus N
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Sidste tilmeldingsfrist
Mandag, 22. oktober 2012 - 12:00

Formålet med CAVI-besøget er at få et indblik i samspillet mellem kreativitet og teknologi. På CAVI arbejdes der med forskning gennem praktiske projekter i samarbejde med en lang række samarbejdspartnere. Ved at arbejde målrettet med at skabe forandringer i verden gennem ny brug af kreativ teknologi bedriver CAVI forskning med et bredt sigte samfundsmæssigt, forretningsmæssigt og kunstnerisk.

På dagen skal vi høre PhD-studerende Michael Mose Biskjær fortælle om sin forskning i og arbejde med begrebet "constraints", der er en måde at forstå de taktikker designere, kunstnere og videnskabsfolk bruger til at arbejde kreativt i praksis.

16:00: Velkommen
16:05: Oplæg om kreativitet, innovation og constraints ved Michael Mose Biskjær: "Creativity constraints and the paradoxical potential of creative self-limitation"
17:00: Spisning / rundvisning på CAVI
18:00: Oplæg om "Inspiration Card Workshop" - en metode til kreativitet
18:30: Gruppearbejde - vi forsøger i grupper, gennem brugen af Inspiration Card Workshop, at løse et konkret designproblem gennem skabelsen af designkoncepter
19:30: Præsentation af koncepter for hinanden
20:00: Afslutning på dagen

CAVI is an interdisciplinary research centre for the Arts and Sciences at Aarhus University, Denmark. CAVI’s researchers primarily have a background in interaction design or digital aesthetics, although some have a background in computer science. We carry out research through design, in the sense of making practical design experiments aimed at gaining insight into interaction design – design process, as well as interface and use. Many of our researchers have a background in participatory design, which explains our concern with the context for which we are designing. A strong interest in exploring the design of engaging experiences is a persistent thread throughout our research portfolio. In Book of Abstracts 2012 we present selected research results as they have been published during the recent couple of years in areas such as digital culture and aesthetics, child computer interaction, urban computing, media architecture, as well as design processes. In several of our projects, we have worked closely with external partners, for instance, technology providers and other businesses. In the area of cultural computing, we have worked with independent artists, as well as cultural institutions such as museums. Collaborating closely with external partners pushes us to take context seriously, and to make full-scale installations, which may be put into the real world.

Liste over samarbejdspartnere
Aarhus Kunstbygning
AFA JCDecaux
Bjarke Ingels Group - BIG
Innovation Lab
Kronborg Castle
Martin Professional
Meaning Making Experience - MMEx
Moesgård Museum
Museum Østjylland
Musikhuset Aarhus
The Alexandra Institute
The Danish National Opera
The Municipality of Aarhus
Roskilde Festival
Roskilde Library


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