The International Space Station

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Mandag, 17. november 2014 - 12:00

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Tirsdag, 18. nov 2014, kl. 19:00
Ved Dr. Ravi N. Margasahayam, NASA ISS Payload Safety Engineer,
NASA Kennedy Space Center

Foredraget er på engelsk.

In 2015, for the first time, a Danish astronaut is going on a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The announcement made headlines all over Denmark, mainly because astronauts are a symbol of the nation’s desire to explore off the Earth and the ability to drive research, technology, and innovation for the Earth.

Space exploration by its very essence implies sounds of roaring rockets, dare-devil astronauts and the mysterious space that lies beyond our planet Earth. With the construction of ISS now complete, NASA and the international partners have focused their attention on scientific research to improve life down on Earth. Meanwhile, NASA is preparing for future missions that will send humans farther into the solar system than ever possible before.

The lecture will provide an overview of how ISS was built and supported, how the crew lives and works in space, and highlight research facilities and types of experiments conducted on ISS. Earth right now, is the focus. The presentation will be interspersed with tidbits and anecdotes from real-life experiences of astronauts, during, and after their trip


Om foredragsholderen

Ravi Margasahayam, eller Ravi, som alle blot kalder ham, har arbejdet for NASA i 25 år og kommer oprindeligt fra Indien. Under NASAs rumfærgeprogram var han ansvarlig for det sidste, kritiske skridt inden hver affyring, hvor rumfærgen monteret på løfteraketter og brændstoftank blev transporteret ud til affyringsplatformen og klargjort til nedtælling. 

I dag leder han det panel ved Kennedy Space Center (KSC), som sikkerhedsgodkender alt udstyr, der opsendes til Den Internationale Rumstation. Samtidigt er han NASAs førende ekspert i støj og vibrationer i forbindelse med raketopsendelser. 

Ravi er en kendt og dygtig formidler. Han har rejst verden rundt i over 25 lande som KSC's uofficielle “rum-ambassadør”. Det er tredje gang, Ravi gæster Danmark – senest i 2009 i forbindelse med UNF Astro Camp.


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