Seminar J: Why and how organisations think about the future (Fordybelsesseminar samfundsvidenskab, BSS)

Campus Herning, Aarhus Universitet, Birk Centerpark 15, lokale 8002-2053, 7400 Herning
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Sidste tilmeldingsfrist
Fredag, 15. juli 2022 - 12:00
v/Dr. Adam Gordon, Institute of Business Management, Aarhus Universitet 
This seminar discusses the art and science of how organisations adapt to a changing world and manage their future successfully. 
We will look at the tools and methods of organisational future strategy, and consider how companies or governments seek to understand forces in the world better, interpret events more deeply and anticipate
outcomes more sharply, including the pitfalls that arise in doing this. You will be asked to identify the forces of change facing organisations you know about, and consider how decision-makers may better understand
and manage uncertain external conditions in progressing to their future goals.
You will work in groups and present to the cohort. 
The seminar will take place in English.


16.00: Welcome
16.05: Presentation and work in groups
17.45: Lunch
18.15: Presentation and work in groups
19.00: Summing up in plenary
19.30: End of the seminar
Seminar J: Why and How Organisations Think About the Future har blandt andet til formål at give jer et eksempel på klassisk samfundsvidenskabelig analyse med afsæt i en konkret case.

Generelt om fordybelsesseminarerne

Fordybelsesseminarerne er struktureret således, at der er 8 seminarer, som I skal vælge 3 af. Der vil være to fordybelsesseminarer på Naturvidenskab (ST), hvor I skal vælge mellem en ræke fagområder. Både VIA University College, Humaniora (Arts) og Samfundsvidenskab (BSS) udbyder to fordybelsesseminarer i henholdsvis Aarhus og Herning.

Vi anbefaler meget, at I ikke lader geografi, men interesse afgøre jeres valg mellem de forskellige muligheder.

Som udgangspunkt skal I vælge 3 ud af de 8 tilbud, men når vi har set fordelingen, vil der være god mulighed for, at I kan vælge flere seminarer ved at skrive til


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