Seminar H: Music in the brain. Fordybelsesseminar på Health (Sundhedsvidenskab)
Info om tema og workshops følger.
16.00: Velkomst v/PhD-gruppen på Health
16.10: Introduction to music cognition. Introduktionsforelæsning v/Jan Stupacher, Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus Universitet
What is beat, meter, pitch and harmony and how do they affect our brains, bodies and social interaction?
16.40: Fordeling i workshops
16.45: Workshop runde 1
17.30: Sandwich
18.05: Workshop runde 2
18.50: Pause og tilbage i plenum
19.00: Paneldebat
19.50: Opsamling
20.00: Tak for i aften
Workshop 1: Why do we feel pain? v/Anna Zamorano, Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus Universitet
This talk will describe the basics of pain, the science behind pain perception, and how musical training can change this process.
Workshop 2: Fireworks in the brain v/Alexandre Celma-Miralles, Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus Universitet
Neurons communicate with each other through electrical impulses to codify information. When thousands of these impulses occur, different rhythms are generated. Electroencephalography (EEG) allows to record the “echos” of these electrical responses safely on the head, by attaching electrodes on the scalp. With this method, researchers can study how the neuronal populations respond or synchronize to external events (like the rhythms of music) and can develop technology to mentally control computers and devices (known as Brain-Computer Interface).
Come and try a portable EEG headset to move a cube on the screen just using your brain!
Workshop 3: The pleasurable urge to move to music and its clinical applications v/Victor Pando-Naude, Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus Universitet
Why and how does music makes us want to move our body? The pleasurable urge to move to music (PLUMM) depends on musical features such as rhythmic and harmonic complexity. This 'groove' effect may be used to improve the symptoms of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease?
I skal deltage i 2 ud af de 3 forskellige workshops, og I vil modtage mail med et link, hvorpå I kan tilkendegive, hvilke 2 workshops I helst vil deltage i. Hvis I ikke tilkendegiver noget, er vi trygge ved, at I glæder jer til at deltage i de 2 workshops, vi sætter jer i:-).
Seminar H: Fordybelsesseminar på Health (Sundhedsvidenskab) har blandt andet til formål at give konkrete indblik i sundhedsvidenskabelige studier, deres samspil og nogle af de dilemmaer, man kan møde inden for medicinsk forskning.
Generelt om fordybelsesseminarerne:
Fordybelsesseminarerne er struktureret således, at der er 9 seminarer, som I skal vælge 4 af.
Der vil være to fordybelsesseminarer på Natural Sciences (naturvidenskab) og Technical Sciences (ingeniørvidenskab), hvor I skal vælge mellem en række workshops. Både VIA University College, Faculty of ARTS (humaniora) og Aarhus BSS (samfundsvidenskab) udbyder to fordybelsesseminarer i henholdsvis Aarhus og Herning. Health (sundhedsvidenskab) udbyder et seminar.
Vi anbefaler meget, at I ikke lader geografi, men interesse afgøre jeres valg mellem de forskellige muligheder.
Som udgangspunkt skal I vælge 4 ud af de 9 tilbud, men når vi har set fordelingen, vil der være god mulighed for, at I kan vælge flere seminarer ved at skrive til
Antal deltagere90