ATU Model United Nations 2023

Fredericia Gymnasium, Nørrebrogade 88, 7000 Fredericia
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Tirsdag, 15. oktober 2024 - 12:00

ATU Model United Nations 2023

Hvordan kan det være så svært at finde en løsning på klimaforandringerne? Hvorfor tager det 6, 8 eller 10 internationale topmøder, før der endelig kommer en gensidigt overholdt våbenhvile i Syrien? Hvorfor er...?
Spørgsmålene er mange, når man går fra national til international politik og geopolitiske forhandlinger. Og kompleksiteten i spørgsmålene og dilemmaer øges, når interesserne både er mange og forskelligartede.
Vær med, når der igen afholdes ATUMUN konference og sid med ved forhandlingsbordet, når nogle af verdens store udfordringer skal diskuteres og behandles i FNs forskellige råd.

ATUMUN 2023: Committees:

Protecting intellectual property in the age of AI (UNESCO)
The days of AI is upon us!
Artificial Intelligence is the technological topic of the decade. In the last few years, research and use of AI has been rising dramatically and it won’t be leaving anytime soon. The trend is that we, as a society, must learn to live with - and not in spite of - artificial intelligence.
The Committee will be covering questions such as: when is it enough and when have we reached the point where AI becomes too much and too hurtful? Who owns what when AI and machine learning is involved, and how do we protect copyright?
Can AI be used for commercial and humanitarian work at the same time? How do we make AI helpful, not harmful?
At ATUMUN 2023, you have the possibility of debating in the UNESCO committee where we will be discussing the artificial intelligence of today and tomorrow. 
The question of countries returning their stolen art to the country of origin (SPECPOL)
The issue of looted art has been a part of the international debate since the first countries gained independence from being former colonies.
The foundation of the debate is going to focus on the legality of removing the artefacts from their country of origin, and to whom the artefacts should belong.
We find it important that member states discuss how to determine if the artefacts should be returned or not, whilst considering the cultural importance the artefacts both have for the country of origin and world history.
At ATUMUN 2023, this committee session will lead to an insightful and fruitful discussion hopefully resulting in a resolution which is widely accepted by the participating member states.


ATUMUN er et samarbejdsprojekt mellem engagerede og dedikerede ATU'ere fra ATU | Vest, med stor erfaring i Model United Nation både i nationale og i internationale sammenhænge.


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